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I share travels, music, events with you: all together in a unique experience, yours!

App musicali

Tourist Travel or Adventure

Do you have to take a day trip, for a few days, for a week or for a longer period and you don't want to spend all that time alone? Then you need a companion to share the journey with and to help you explore and live the place where you ended up!

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How many times has it happened to you not to leave, not to participate in events, not to go out, because you do not find friends to accompany you or people to do it with. Or you would like to go on a solo trip, but you don't feel like it alone, you would never do it! Maybe you need a companion who can share this experience with you.   I have the solution to your problem, read below how the service works

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In un incontro

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How many times has it happened to you not to leave, not to participate in events, not to go out, because you do not find friends to accompany you or people to do it with. Or you would like to go on a solo trip, but you don't feel like it alone, you would never do it! Maybe you need a companion who can share this experience with you.   I have the solution to your problem, read below how the service works


“I wanted to go on a musical journey, and I contacted Fabio to organize one together. We did a festival, which alone I would never have done. He was very kind, nice and he also accompanied me to visit the city, thank you "

- Ester

Clinica del dottore ' s

“I often go away, for work, and I usually spend my time in hotels. I decided to contact Fabio to try to enjoy the extra work, and it was an experience that I will certainly repeat, it helped me a lot! "

- Antonio


“Con Fabio abbiamo sviluppato i nostri canali social, fornendo al nostro agriturismo maggior appeal su Instagram e attirando più clienti"


"Il nostro ristornante non aveva un sito, ed eravamo poco attenti a tutto il mondo social, per mancanza di tempo! Fortunatamente ci siamo messi al passo con i tempi"


“La mia azienda, un negozio di abbigliamento, mancava dello store on line; Fabio ci ha aiutato a crearlo, e le nostre vendite sono incrementate considerevolmente”

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